Health and Education Development Project (HED)
Goal of the Project
Improve education, health, nutrition and skill development for generating income for the Kawra and underprivileged community in Arongahata. This in turn will encourage families to maintain their education at a higher level and thereby reduce child labor and early marriage, and secure better health outcomes.
Outcome # 1 : The drop-out rates from primary to level 12 reduced among Kawra and underprivileged community
1.0 Education Activities:
1.1 Pre-school Going support - Kajoli Model
1.1.1 Material support to pre-school going 26 children
1.1.2 One Teacher’s Support who will conduct class in the evening shift as well
1.1.3 Nutrition feed for primary school children
1.2 Coaching Support - class i to vii
1.2.1 School education materials (Ballpoint pens, pencils, erasers, text books, copy books, etc. for 100 students every yr.)
1.2.2 Seven Teachers support
1.2.3 Monthly parents meeting
1.2.4 Monthly staff meetings
1.2.5 Monthly Exam
1.2.6 Daily Nutrition feeding for 100 students
1.2.7 School utensils, gaming materials and furniture
1.2.8 Tutorial centre management
1.2.9 Annual Gathering
1.2.10 Education Supervisors Cost
1.3 Sponsorship and continued Education Support to 20 talent students upto 12 level
1.3.1 Education materials
1.3.2 Monthly Coaching support
1.3.3 Monthly meeting cost for 20 students
Outcome # 2. Improved Primary Health ,Nutrition and treatment services at door steps
2.1 Clinical service equipment and material costs
2.2 Part time Doctors' Cost (male-1, Female-1) 2 times in a week (52 wks per person such 2 Dr.)
2.3 Female Staff Nurse - 1
2.4 Medicines for extreme poor patients
2.5 Water & Sanitation Service
2.6 SRHR/ASHR promotion
2.7 Reduce inequality and early marriage
2.8 Cleaner-1