
Strengthening Human Rights Defenders Network

Strengthening Human Rights Defenders Network

Manabadhikar Shongskriti Foundaion goal:

To play a role in the preservation of human rights and the establishment of human rights culture in Bangladesh


1. Increasing awareness of human rights

2. To spread the culture of preserving and establishing the rights of children, girls, women, minorities, poor, laborers, disabled and all backward groups.

3. Help in ensuring legal aid for children, girl child, women, minorities, poor, working class, disabled and all backward communities above all common people.

4. Advocacy at the local, national and international levels for the formulation and reform of policies, laws and regulations favorable to human rights culture by identifying parts or parts of laws and regulations that are inconsistent with the principles of human rights.

Objective of the project:

1. Development of networks for Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) at district level and national level.

2. To contribute to the development of human rights culture by advocating with the concerned individuals and institutions through A Network.

3. Contribute to building a culture of human rights by using existing human rights institutions and procedures and implementing dialogue and non-violent activities with stakeholders.

4. Contribute to ensuring effective involvement and participation of HRD and civil society in decision-making and accountability mechanisms.