List of Policies

Our key strengths include a comprehensive set of more than 24  policies and strategic documents, 

  1. Finance Policy - Same as Annexure 
  2. Procurement Policy
  3. HR Policy 
  4. Child protection/care policy
  5. Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse 
  6. Gender policy
  7. Complaints and Feedback for Sexual Harassment at Workplace policy
  8. Gift, Hospitality, Fraud and bribery policy
  9. Climate change policy
  10. Code of Conduct
  11. Emergency Response Plan 
  12. Data Protection Policy
  13. Internal Audit Guidelines 
  14. MEAL Guidelines 
  15. Cash Management Guidelines 
  16. Value for Money Policy
  17. Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Policy 
  18. Conflict of Interest 
  19. Safeguarding Policy
  20. Strategic Plan 2021-2026
  21. Whistle-Blowing
  22. Indirect Cost Ratio Guidelines
  23. Human Rights Policy
  24. Network Management Guidelines